2 Gather



2Gather is a company based in France that was looking to improve their product and expand to the USA.


-To update the user experience of their group event planning app.

-Create a clear layout for users to create an event and see what was happening within the event.


Sole UX Designer performing all of the below tasks.

Check Out The Finished Product

My Process

Step One: Research

Heuristic Evaluation

The first thing I needed to do when I was hired was review their current app.

Here are some of the things I found:

Comparative / Competitive Analysis

2Gather thought that their main competition was WhatsApp and FB. The problem was that details could get lost in group planning or are only once sided with an invite and not collaborative.

I discovered that there were many more apps available that had similar features but that not 1 of them had everything they wanted.

I reviewed over 12 different apps and a few websites so that I could fully understand the digital event planning world.

 I wrote up all of my findings in this presentation: 2gather-comparative-analysis so that it was easier for the client to see the differentials. They could also then use this data for their pitch deck.



Step Two: Strategy



As this product can truly be used by anyone, I built up a couple of personas based on user archetypes –

the Planner and the Follower. I utilized the two personas while explaining the wires and designs to the team.



User Flow

A User Flow was needed to show the different touchpoints and interactions between the event creator and the guests as well as when notifications would be sent and received.


Step Three: Design



When I started thinking about working on wireframes I realized I had a clear enough image in my head and went straight to a design tool instead of hand sketching.

After I worked up a couple versions of the flow and features I collaborated with our UI designer and the client to finish up the 2.0 version in an Agile fashion.

The below are some annotated wireframes along with part of the flow to communicate the desired user path.

Below are a few screens showing you the product before, my wires and the live version in the Apple store.

(I designed over 40 screens but this can give you the general idea)



Note: (UI done by Zippy Zealous)